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Brotherhood & Togetherness!


Brotherhood & Togetherness!

As parents one always feels that two or more kids are better than just one, the reason for it is so that right from childhood they learn to share, care, unconditionally stand by each other and enjoy their brotherhood. Now as adults, a majority of the brothers love each other yet certain situations create unwanted stress between them.

We have tried to bring up some of the practical & real-life scenarios:

  1. Sharing of responsibilities:

In most Indian families, it is the duty of the son/s to take care of their aging parents. Once the sons have grown up and have settled down in their lives with a good job; while the parents have aged and retired, the sons then take on the responsibilities from here. From sharing the monthly household expenses to even shelling out some petty cash for their parents is a basic gesture by son(s). Between the brothers, they have their own understanding about how much either of them would be able to manage without getting burnt out, however in the same situation in case both are married then there is a high possibility of one of their wives asking as to why are they shelling out so much while the other brother is not sharing equally.

How much ever we may disagree, these comparisons still exists behind the closed bedroom door between the husband & wife, which does create stress and tears one brother for the other.

2. Your wife v/s mine:

Now that both the brothers are married, it becomes a little stressful for them. This is because the two sisters-in-law get along under the same roof.  Their differences that occur during the day are narrated to their husbands and finally, the two brothers end up arguing which in turn affects their health causing anxiety and blood pressure.

3. Parents affected:


When kids fight, parents get affected however when grown up adults (brothers/ children) fight or raise their voices, it affects their parents, even more! This is when parents go through extreme stress, even if they are only witnessing the quarrel. Moreover, it directly impacts their health condition. Parents are more susceptible to getting a heart attack on witnessing bitter arguments between their children.

As adults, one should avoid this kind of behavior especially around your elders and children around. This can have an impact on their minds which may be witnessed by you in an unexpected way.

4. Stress being a Man of the house:


Brothers have a stronger bond since being boys to now being grown up men. Taking on the responsibility of being a breadwinner for the family is stressful enough. To push yourself to work every day and ensuring the finances are generated or the courage to attend work and meet your boss’s expectation.

Here when you know you have a brother somewhere, you within yourself feel the confidence to lean on if need be.

5. Brotherhood:


In some families, the beautiful bond of brotherhood is taken over by the demon of the male ego. Some fights are held on for a lifetime not realizing the psychological pain each of them goes through deep within themselves.

It is always good to forgive and forget. There should be nothing more important than your relationship instead of sulking and affecting your health.

6. Brother Bond:


Sometimes life is not kind however some brother bonds stronger than what you have seen it be. It is noticed that if either of the two brothers passes away, the other one takes on the financial responsibility of that brother’s family. This may create financial stress for sure as it’s difficult to run one family and here the kindness to try and help the deceased brothers family as well.

Some relations are just made in heaven.

7. Brothers in the same family business:


When two brothers are involved in a family business, the ups and downs of being in business affect both of them & their families. Certain economic changes brought about in India in the last few years have actually affected the individual business profits. Where both the men of the family are stressed about winning the bread, this also creates stress for their family.

However, this also shows their solidarity in standing together and finding ways to sustain their income for their family.


Usually, men as brothers, fathers etc. are not really good with words to express but their actions display their emotions. They are hurt at times and refuse to accept, they too get stressed about people they are concerned about.

So, when a brother has a brother to look up to, this helps them avoid stress to a large extent.

Be Happy, Be Peppy! 🙂

Article Credits: Aarti Dalal | Mumbai | India

Editor: LivePeppy

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